Get your Board onBoard toward a bigger impact and engaged volunteers.

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Our Vision

Canadian Nonprofit Academy helps small to medium sized non-profit organizations increase their impact by strengthening their governance.

The academy is a place to learn and to share. It is a place where Canadian nonprofit directors. and to connect with other Canadian directors.

We provide accessible, innovative and just in time education for the directors of Canadian for public benefit organizations.

We Believe:

• Each and every Canadian nonprofit makes a transformative difference in the community it serves
• Nonprofit directors need to be supported in their role to maximize their contribution to their organizations
• Training nonprofit board directors needs to be innovative, affordable, and accessible

Here is why we are different

Traditional board training doesn't work

  • Board onBoard online training is affordable and within easy reach of all small to medium sized nonprofit organizations.

  • Our courses are customized to your organizational needs.

  • Our training ensures that every board member gets the training that they need when they need it.

  • Our courses have one year access for your organization. Your board members are able to review the material over their entire term.

  • Our learning design supports adult learners.

Your leader and coach

Christina Becker has worked for the nonprofit sector for close to 40 years as a manager, consultant, and as a volunteer board member. She is passionate about supporting Canadian nonprofit organizations and their board of directors to excel in their governance.